This website provides information on a set of metabolites detected in red-fruits from 25 tomato varieties using liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry (MS). The reproducibility of peak detection in the varieties was checked manually. In total 7,118 peaks detected with electrospray ionization (ESI)-positive mode were selected as valid peaks. Possibility of presence/absence of unknown peaks in specified samples will be good information to prioritize the unknown peaks for further investigation, and our website will contribute to this. We provide a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to retrieve and search the peak data for computational use of the data.


Ara T, Sakurai N, Takahashi S, Waki N, Suganuma H, Aizawa K, Matsumura Y, Kawada T and Shibata D. TOMATOMET: a metabolome database of 7118 accurate mass tags detected in mature fruits of 25 tomato cultivars. (submitted)


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National Institute of Genetics, Bioinformation & DDBJ Center
Nozomu Sakurai, Ph.D.
E-mail: sakurai AT nig.ac.jp (replace "AT" with "@")


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