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System version: 1.9.12


Data update



Food items

  Positive Negative All
Published 222 222 222

Number of Peaks

  ESI Positive ESI Negative All
Total peak number 969,352 944,312 1,913,664
Average peak number (per published food items) 4,366 4,254 4,310
Peaks with MSn spectra 157,697 128,018 285,715
Peaks with MS2 spectra 157,697 128,018 285,715
Peaks with MS3 spectra 83,739 0 83,739
Peaks with compound database hits
(KEGG, KNApSAcK, HMDB, LIPID MAPS, FlavonoidDB were searched with a 5 ppm-mass tolerance)
348,638 368,545 717,183

Update history

2022/09/27 An MS Excel file for converting the retention time between ThingMR and FoodMR/PlantMR is available on the Download page.
2022/04/18 The system was updated to 1.9.0 with improvements below.
  • The previous food no. 06320, which was misassigned as “Green onion Wakegi” was reassigned to no. 06227_2 “Japanese bunching onion.”
  • All MS2 and MS3 spectral data are available. We have ignored the spectra whose base peak intensity was less than 2000 in the previous version.
  • The compound database search results were updated using the latest data of HMDB, LIPID MAPS, and KNApSAcK.
  • Related peaks with a similar retention time, such as variations of adducts, were represented on the peak information page. The existence of related peaks is also indicated as Rel label in the peak list.
  • The number of samples that contain similar peaks to the peak was added to the peak information.
  • According to the data update mentioned above, we archived the previous data on the download page.
  • On the peak information page, buttons to search similar peaks in PoodMR and ThingMR are added. The retention time of the peak in these external databases was calculated using the acetonitrile concentration.
  • On the peak information page, a button to search the compound databases with a user-specified mass tolerance (in ppm) was added.
2021/04/28 The system was updated to version 1.5.0.
- Unused columns were removed from the peak list.
2020/03/26 The system was updated to version 1.4.0.
- Pages and a menu for downloading were added.
- APIs for downloading were added.
- Modifications of the internal program for better maintenance.
2020/01/30 The system was updated to version 1.3.0. - The peak icon in the search results was improved to the one with MS2/MS3 results, DB hits, non-default adducts, and FlavonoidSearch results. - Neutral loss search function was added.
2020/01/18 The system was updated to version 1.2.0. Internal processes were improved.
2020/01/08 The system was updated to version 1.0.0 because implementation of basic functions have been completed. The m/z value of the original peak are available at the spectrum search. The processing speed for spectral data and statistics page were improved. The number of the peaks with compound database search results is available at the statistics page.
2019/08/08 The system was updated to version 0.6.0. Language changer was implemented on the menu bar.
2019/07/05 The system was updated to version 0.5.0. Spectrum search function is available.
2018/12/02 The system was updated to version 0.4.4. Slight modifications of the texts.
2018/10/23 The system was updated to version 0.4.3. The pagination of the peak list was improved. A bug of image display in the search results was fixed.
2018/09/21 The system was updated to version 0.4.2. Internal system was slightly modified.
2018/08/10 The system was updated to version 0.4.1. The color of the peak position indicators were reviewed. The food images were attached to the search results. APIs for getting images are now available.
2018/06/26 The system was updated to version 0.4.0. The food images for illustration purposes are available. 86 food items were added, and in total, 222 food items are available.
2017/09/29 The system was updated to version 0.3.0. The peak numbers are available in the food list.
2017/09/07 The system was updated to version 0.2.0. The database name and the candidate number in the top hits of database search results were available at the peak list and peak information page.
2017/08/27 43 food items were added.
2017/08/25 The initial version released.